The SoundtrackINFO Project


Die Hard soundtrack

Die Hard (1988)
Product detail
Format: CD
UPC: none
Label: Varese Sarabande Club
Label number: VCL 0202 1004
Running time: 76m25s
Shipping date: November 15th, 2001
Original score by Michael Kamen
Product availability
Buy the Die Hard soundtrack CD today from The MovieMusic Store.

Album Tracklist
1. The Nakatomi Plaza [1:48]
2. Gruber's Arrival [3:40]
3. John's Escape/You Want Money? [5:52]
4. The Tower [1:49]
5. The Roof [3:37]
...see complete tracklist
Soundtrack Q & A
Q: Anybody know the name of the rap song starting off the movie? When they're driving into town... Thanx! (from TPH in Norway)
A: I think "Christmas in Hollis" by Run DMC is what you're looking for. (thanks to Googlhupf, Germanyadd more info
A: Actually, I think it's "Christmas Rappin" by Fat Boy (thanks to Teyah, SF, Caadd more info
A: Run DMC's "Christmas In Holly" (thanks to Plot180, Portugaladd more info

Q: What is the name of the person singing "Let It Snow"? (from deanna in Phelps, Ky. 41553)
A: There are several versions of "Let It Snow." The one used in the film is by Vaughn Monroe. (thanks to majik, londonadd more info

Q: What's the R&B song playing in the limo when Mclane's phone is cut off? (from kurtis in england, birmingham,longbridge)
A: The name is "Skeletons" by Stevie Wonder (thanks to Ltech, brighton, MI USAadd more info

Q: What's the jingle during the scene where McClane takes cover under tables while a terrorist searches for him, mouthing off?
...from ShiningWonder! in Boston (answer ShiningWonder!'s question)

Q: What's the name of the girl (or band) singing in the scene where Bruce Willis is knocking at Mr Farrell's door. It was the coolest metal chick singing and I need to know her name or band name. (from Michelle in South Africa, Port Elizabeth)
A: Flyleaf with their song "I'm So Sick" (thanks to mike, Watsonville,CAadd more info

Q: Which version of "Let it Snow!" by Vaughn Monroe is playing over the end credits? The soundtrack itself contains only an instrumental version. The version on old Vaughn Monroe albums features backing singers and isn't as simple as the movie credits version. Was this a specially edited version put together by the producers of the movie? (from Rich in London)
A: It is the 1958 recording... I just found it! (thanks to labeda, norwayadd more info

Q: What's the instrumental song playing as John and Holly come out of the building amidst papers floating down as they approach Al for the first time? (from Trish in california)
A: It's actually underscore written by John Scott, originally from the 1987 movie "Man On Fire" (thanks to tim, los angelesadd more info

Q: What the heck is the song playing at the beginning when the driver says "This is Christmas music, man!"? It's been driving me nuts! (from Josiah in Winnipeg, Mb, Ca)
A: It's called "Christmas In Hollis" by Run DMC. (thanks to Alex Billings, Philadelphiaadd more info

Q: What is the song playing in the elevator when Bruce Willis is in it? It is just an instrumental song.
...from Charlene in Vancouver, WA (answer Charlene's question)

Q: What is the instrumental musique that sounds like a military march music played when the terrorists give a feeling of organization? (from maninou in lausanne,switzerland)
A: "When Johnny Comes Marching Home" (thanks to greatlord, Leipzig, Germanyadd more info

Q: Who sings "Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!" in the credits? (from Mary in Florida)
A: Vaughn Monroe sings "Let It Snow!" in the end credits. (thanks to Liliana, Lisbon, Portugaladd more info

Q: What Tom Petty Christmas song is heard in either Die Hard 1 or 2?
...from mel in england (answer mel's question)

Q: What song is playing when the cops shoot the terrorist at the end of the movie? (from Bush in New Jersey)
A: Aliens: "Hyperspace and Resolution" by James Horner (thanks to Cosbydaf, U.S.Aadd more info

Q: What orchestra performed the song "Ode to Joy" during the end credit? (from lee in georgia)
A: Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra (thanks to MAXPAYNE, Brasiladd more info

Q: What song is playing when the terrorists open the safe? (from Rowley in Uk)
A: Beethoven's "Ode to Joy" (thanks to Copper, SAadd more info

Q: What song is playing (artist and song) when Hans Gruber is falling from the building at the end?
...from Bill Carrigan in Pavilion NY (answer Bill Carrigan's question)

Q: What's the name of the piece playing at the end when we see the credits?
...from Wes Poll in New York (answer Wes Poll's question)

Q: Who performs Beethoven's "Ode to Joy" during the vault opening scene?
...from Philip Zuccaro in Natchez, Mississippi (answer Philip Zuccaro's question)

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