The SoundtrackINFO Project


The Fog soundtrack

The Fog (1980)
Product detail
Format: CD
UPC: none
Label: Varese Sarabande
Label number: VCD 47267
Running time: 33m58s
Shipping date: not on file
Original score by John Carpenter
Product availability
Click The Fog soundtrack CD for more info from The MovieMusic Store.

Album Tracklist
1. Matthew Ghost Story [2:45]
2. Main Title Theme [5:00]
3. Walk to the Lighthouse [2:40]
4. Rocks at Drake's Bay [2:24]
5. The Fog [3:20]
...see complete tracklist
Soundtrack Q & A
Q: In the original movie from 1979 there was a piece of big band/swing music playing specifically at the time the Stevie Wayne character is talking to the weatherman Dan on the phone just before and after he was killed. It sounds akin to Glenn Miller, Tommy Dorsey or maybe Benny Goodman however I can't place the name of the tune or the artist. Perhaps you could help. Thanks. (from wisegambler in Vancouver, B.C. Canada)
A: This song you refer to is actually called "Moonlight Magic." It has been used in various movies including 1987's Wall Street and most recently in the end credits of Kevin Spacey's biopic on the life of Bobby Darin, Beyond the Sea. The name of the artist however isn't available and finding this piece is extremely difficult. (thanks to Mister Big, Toronto, ONadd more info
A: The composer is Alan Moorhouse. :) (thanks to Superfly, St. Marys, GAadd more info

Q: What is the name of the song playing on the radio when Jamie Lee Curtis and Tom Atkins are in bed looking over her drawings? I believe it is also played when Stevie Wayne looks over the ocean and says "...Nothing but water Stevie, but it still beats Chicago..." (from Lyn in Keller, Texas)
A: The song when Stevie looks out over the ocean is called "Take It Steady" by David Lindup. It was only released on Bruton library music LP's which are of course not technically available to the public. The original album to feature it was a Bruton LP called "Relax" and the catalog number is BRD10 it also pops up on a Bruton CD called JAZZ/DANCE Cat No. BRCD7. I got my copies on ebay for only a few pounds so happy hunting. The CD also has another track from THE FOG its called "LAP ONE" and is also by David Lindup and it is playing when Stevie is walking down the steps to the lighthouse and is the music on one of her promos. (thanks to Stu, Great Britainadd more info
A: There are more Bruton catalogue tracks, like Steve Gray´s "Wondergroove" when Stevie talks on mic "Ahoy mateys" - Jingle and music when the men are on the boat discovering the Fog. Stevie names this track "from The Coupe de Villes", which is Carpenter´s / Wallace´s band, but actually it´s Steve Gray. The song when Carpenter and Malone are in the church, it´s another Steve Gray track from Bruton catalogue. (thanks to Jackman, Germanyadd more info

Q: What's the track we hear when the two ladies are driving in the car and then they enter the church, searching for father Malone? Can't find it on the CD, not even on the expanded edition...
...from Didi in Germany (answer Didi's question)

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