The SoundtrackINFO Project


Mr. Holland's Opus soundtrack

Mr. Holland's Opus (1995)
Product detail
Format: CD
UPC: 73145295082
Label: Mercury
Label number: 529508
Running time: 41m52s
Shipping date: January 23rd, 1996
Product availability
Click Mr. Holland's Opus soundtrack CD for more info from The MovieMusic Store.

Album Tracklist
1.  Visions Of A Sunset - Shawn Stockman [4:33]
2.  One, Two, Three - Len Barry [2:27]
3.  A Lover's Concerto - The Toys [2:40]
4.  Keep On Running - Spencer Davis Group [2:44]
5.  Uptight (Everything's Alright) - Stevie Wonder [2:55]
...see complete tracklist
Soundtrack Q & A
Q: What is the name of the song Mr. Holland and Rowena sing together when practicing for the school musical? And who really sings it, and who wrote it? (from CJ in New York)
A: "Someone To Watch Over Me" (thanks to john, new yorkadd more info
A: "Someone to Watch Over Me" (thanks to Missy Smith, Washington, D.C. 20016 USAadd more info

Q: The symphonic piece that Mr. Holland plays to the class, commenting that Beethoven was deaf, is the second movement of the Seventh, correct? (from john in new york)
A: It is correct, nr. 7th (thanks to zacatin, Spainadd more info

Q: What is the music playing when Mr. Holland starts the parade with the band? (from ZACATIN in Spain)
A: "Louie Louie" by The Kingsmen (thanks to sjs, portugaladd more info

Q: What is the music play edby "Gertrude Lang" in this movie? Coz I love it very much.... (from carmen in Malaysia)
A: "Stranger on the Shore" is a piece for clarinet written by Acker Bilk for his young daughter and originally named "Jenny" after her. It was subsequently used as the theme tune of a BBC TV drama serial for young people entitled Stranger on the Shore. (thanks to Richelle, Philippinesadd more info

Q: What is the name of the song playing at the end of Mr Holland's Opus that has the words "...from the moment you were born..." in it? (from Waivie in Brunswick Ga.)
A: It is called "Cole's Song" by Julian Lennon. (thanks to Raquel, Austin, Texas, USAadd more info
A: The song is "Beautiful Boy," by John Lennon. Mr. Holland sang it to his son, Cole, during a concert he gave at the high school for the deaf attended by Cole. He articulated the lyrics in sign language. The performance was a profound message of love, acceptance, and atonement offered publicly to his son. His atonement was for the intolerance and neglect Mr. Holland showed his son when he, as a musician, couldn't accept his son's deafness. The poignancy of that scene is heightened by a previous scene in which Cole confronts his father's neglectful behavior after Mr. Holland loses his temper with Cole on the day the country learns that John Lennon has been murdered. In that confrontation, Cole accuses his father of caring more about his students than his own son. (thanks to Amy, Berkeley, CAadd more info

Q: The song playing at the end of Mr. Holland's Opus "The American Symphony"... is that the real name that Beethoven gave it? (from brenda  in Charleston, South Carolina USA)
A: It's actually by Michael Kamen, not Beethoven... and yes this is the correct name. (thanks to Travisadd more info

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