The Film & TV Music of Christopher Gunning |
Format: CD
UPC: 09511516252
Label: Chandos
Label number: 10625
Running time: not on file
Shipping date: November 16th, 2010
Original scores by Christopher Gunning
Buy the The Film & TV Music of Christopher Gunning CD today from The MovieMusic Store.
| |
1. | Cold Lazarus |
2. | Firelight |
3. | The Hollow |
4. | Lighthouse Hill |
5. | Five Little Pigs |
6. | Poirot Variants |
7. | Pollyanna |
8. | Rebecca |
9. | Rosemary & Thyme |
10. | Under Suspicion |
11. | La Mome Piaf |
12. | When the Whales Came |
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