| |
1. | The Imitation Game [2:37] |
2. | Enigma [2:50] |
3. | Alan [2:57] |
4. | U-Boats [2:12] |
5. | Carrots and Peas [2:19] |
6. | Mission [1:36] |
7. | Crosswords [2:52] |
8. | Night Research [1:39] |
9. | Joan [1:45] |
10. | Alone with Numbers [2:58] |
11. | The Machine Christopher [1:57] |
12. | Running [3:01] |
13. | Christopher is Dead [2:27] |
14. | Decrypting [2:01] |
15. | A Different Equation [2:54] |
16. | Becoming a Spy [4:08] |
17. | The Apple [2:20] |
18. | Farewell to Christopher [2:41] |
19. | End of War [2:07] |
20. | Because of You [1:36] |
21. | Alan Turing's Legacy [1:56] |
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| Add music info heard in the movie but not listed on the soundtrack CD. |
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| Correct errors listed above (incorrect tracklistings, product codes, typos, etc). |